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Gyros Protein Technologies
Gyrolab xPand workstation
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Gyros Protein Technologies (formerly Gyros AB) is the world leader in utilization of microfluidic technologies to miniaturize and automate immunoassays. Gyrolab immunoassay platforms increase productivity and efficiency during development of biotherapeutics and vaccines, saving time, labor and sample. Major biopharmaceutical companies and their service providers utilize Gyrolab platforms to boost time-critical workflows and meet increasingly stringent regulatory demands.

Whether you need to accelerate assay development for preclinical R&D, facilitate upstream and downstream bioprocessing or meet critical data and time requirements for regulated bioanalysis, Gyros will put a new spin on what’s possible in your laboratory. Using nanoliter microfluidics, Gyros’ flow-through technology simplifies assay workflows by eliminating incubations and shortening run times to produce reliable data exhibiting 3- to 4-log dynamic range and minimal matrix interference.

Fig 1. CD with technology of nanoliter microfluidics


Time Saving: Analyze one CD in one hour, develop new analytical method in several days rather in several weeks.

Low Sample Volume: Utilize technology of nanoliter microfluidics, one mouse for one PK curve, reduce animal usage in preclinical studies.

High Throughput: Generate up to 96/112 high quality data points per CD, run five CD in one batch.

Broad Detection Range: Lower LLOQ and higher ULOQ, suitable for samples of different concentration.

Low Matrix Interference: Suitable for almost any samples, reduce MRD to 1/2 of original data.

Automation: Run automatically for loading samples, loading reagents, washing and detecting, avoid the personal error, reduce CV, can run unattendedly overnight and increase the throughput.

High Sensitivity: pg/mL level sensitivity, suitable for sample of low concentration.

High Precision and Good Repetitiveness: The results is consistent between different researchers, laboratories and companies. Increase the success rate and reduce number of replication.


(1) Pharmacokinetics (PK); Toxicokinetics (TK);
(2) Pharmacodynamics (PD); Biomarker Monitoring;
(3) Immunogenicity; ADA Study;
(4) Product Qualification (IgG Titer) in Bioprocessing;
(5) Impurity Testing (HCP, Protein A) in Bioprocessing;
(6) Affinity Detection and Vaccine Research.

Fig. 2 Comparison of Gyrolab vs. ELISA 

Fig. 3 Comparison of dynamic range of Gyrolab vs. ELISA

Evaluator, the software of Gyrolab xPand workstation, supports automatic curve fitting, parameters and results output and support results output to LIMS system. This software is also designed for 21 CFR part 11 compliance.

These features and advantages liberate the experimenter's hands, allowing the experimenter to develop the method with the least amount of samples in the shortest possible time, and get the best data from experiments such as methods validation and sample testing. This allows faster and easier access to data that can be used for decision-making, thereby advancing drug discovery to the next step and listing as soon as possible. 

These advantages make Gyrolab platform become the major large molecule drug research platform for the world's major well-known pharmaceutical companies and CROs, including Pfizer, Novartis, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Roche, Sanofi, Eli Lilly, etc., will become one of the mainstream equipments for large molecule drug development in the future. If you wish to keep up with the world's mainstream technology trend, please come to understand this strong experimental platform!